Although our core business is searching for books and maps, we provide 5 other useful services. 

Please click on the service for full details.

Sourcing Books & Maps

We save you time, inconvenience and expense by searching for books and maps on your behalf. We only source from members of professional bodies.

Binding & Conservation

We have binders and restorers on hand who can ensure that valuable or delicate items in your collection are protected and preserved for generations to come.

Framing & Presentation

We have restorers on hand who can ensure that valuable or delicate items in your collection are protected and preserved for generations to come.

Library Design & Build

We have restorers on hand who can ensure that valuable or delicate items in your collection are protected and preserved for generations to come.

Inventory & Valuation

We have restorers on hand who can ensure that valuable or delicate items in your collection are protected and preserved for generations to come.


We have restorers on hand who can ensure that valuable or delicate items in your collection are protected and preserved for generations to come.
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